Photo Credit: Damir Spanic (Unsplash)

We believe everyone should be able to live where they want and love where they live.

That’s why we’re setting out to fundamentally transform the experience of renting a home—with technology, with humanity, and with the will and the data we need to take the long view.


We see more and more Americans who aren’t just choosing to rent, they’re aspiring to it. They’re not pinning their hopes, dreams, and life savings on a single location and a 30-year equity curve. They’re looking to invest in life experiences, career growth, and cherished communities, wherever those lead. 

For them, home equity means something new: it’s measured each day as the satisfaction they get from the place that they are. We’re doing our best to help our Elara residents love that place, but we’re also here to help them realize the full benefits of the freedom to choose something new. Because we know an Elara home can be their next home, too. 

Hench, Charlie & Q