6 Ways to Help Your Home Weather Freezing Temps

December 22, 2022

It’s getting cold out there! As freezing temps settle in across the country, our team put together six quick actions to take to help you and your home weather the cold.

Freezing temps? Take these simple steps.

Let it drip

Turn on all faucets to a slow drip to keep water from freezing in the pipes. (Ensure that your faucets are draining properly prior to turning them on at a drip.) 

Repel the freeze

Disconnect exterior hoses and cover all exterior hose bibs with a faucet cover

Bring the heat

Set your thermostat to a minimum of 68 degrees on HEAT and ensure that the HVAC system is heating properly.

Spread the warmth

Open all kitchen and bathroom cabinets to keep heat flowing into the space around the pipes.

Hold onto your heat

Keep your garage doors closed as much as possible to retain heat.

Know where to go

Locate your main water shut-off valve (usually either by the water heater or in the water meter box in the yard). You’ll want to immediately shut it off in the event of a water leak.

Keep up your guard

Use a draft guard for windows and doors to prevent cold air from getting in.